We Are Using The Lincoln Principles,
Bringing Your Case To Trial.
Abraham Lincoln was an excellent trial lawyer. His philosophy is the foundation of our work.
We Are Using The Lincoln Principles,
Bringing Your Case To Trial.
Abraham Lincoln was an excellent trial lawyer. His philosophy is the foundation of our work.
Lincoln Trial Law’s Philosophy
At Lincoln Trial Law we are different: because we have the skills required to try cases, we don’t force clients to accept settlements that aren’t in their best interests.
We practice law the way Abraham Lincoln did: we reject bad settlements and try cases.
Lincoln excelled in his courtroom skills, like a highly trained boxer.
Lincoln knew that most lawyers were afraid to try cases because they didn’t have the necessary trial skills.
Lincoln’s trial skills gave him a huge advantage over his less skilled adversaries.
Lincoln knew that if his client did not get a settlement offer he wanted, Lincoln could try the case and win it.
That’s why he won so often.
That’s our philosophy.
Most lawyers won't try your case. We are different.
Over 95% of all cases settle before trial and very few clients are happy with their settlement. Lincoln Trial Law will try our case achieving best results for you.

At Lincoln Trial Law, we know that over 95% of all cases settle before trial and that very few clients are happy with their settlement.
This is because the average lawyer does not have the trial skills to properly try a case, and as a result, clients are often forced into settlements that are not in their best interests.
The average lawyer’s business model is to take a case and then force a client to accept a settlement, before trial.
This is because the average lawyer doesn’t know how to try a case. As a result, they would rather force the client to accept a settlement, then try a case.
At Lincoln Trial Law we are different: because we have the skills required to try cases, we don’t force clients to accept settlements that aren’t in their best interests.
What the public doesn’t know is that all lawyers have the requisite trial skills to try a case.
There is a huge skill difference between the average lawyer and a trial lawyer.
You would not go to a primary care doctor for brain surgery.
You would go to a highly trained brain surgeon.
You should not go to an average lawyer for your case.
You should go to a highly trained trial lawyer.
Our Clients Are Our First Priority
"I needed to go to war and I needed a lawyer who would fight and win….If you are in the same position, I would 1000% recommend Lincoln Trial Law.”
“I needed a trial lawyer who had the skills to try my case and win….when we got to trial, it was obvious, we were paying chess, and they were playing checkers.”